Simple recipes for the modern Indian kitchen
Author site for Nandita Godbole & Mrttika By Nandita Ceramics
Curry Cravings™

I have written down recipes for other people since I was 17-18. Today, I write them to leave a legacy for my daughter - if she ever wanted to cook. Although my old notes are far gone and perhaps even lost, my current notes became a cookbook, first there was one and then there were more. I believe that cooking should be a natural urge, not a task or chore.
'Crack The Code' is an excellent place to start.
As you gain confidence, you'll want them all.
Why self-published?
While writing 'A Dozen Ways to Celebrate', I was not sure a literary agent or publishing house would want to take me on, so I became a self-published author. The Kickstarter community helped build my confidence and as I wrote the book, and later Crack the Code, I realized how much I loved doing it all. Being a self-published author allows me more control on the content, the design work (oh yes), and of course, there is a completely indescribable joy of seeing your methods take tactile form on paper. Perhaps one day I may find someone eager enough to see my projects as enthusiastically as I do.
What all does this indie cookbook author do to create a book?
Everything. Unlike the fine craft of writing fiction, cookbooks are completely different. In my cookbooks, in addition to developing the recipe itself, I do the prep work, the cooking and testing, the clean-up, I take the photographs and then fuss with it in design programs to make them look right, do the first cut of editing, do the graphic design for a possible print version, and then I switch gears into delivery - via different platforms (Kindle, Nook, iBooks). Each format involves another round of design work. For ADWTC, my husband took the time to do it. The rest, I am learning and trying to do it myself.
About our indie small press... 'Turmeric Press'.
Purchase and download my cookbooks here: